
Fill your home with positive energy

Aling your house to feel more peace and tranquility.

Bring harmony in your relationship

Successful people nurture and improve their relationship through staying in vibrant environment.

Protect yourself from negative and toxic people

Remove blockage and create shield to protect yourself from sick energy people.

Improve performance and efficiency at work place

Check if your work space is helping you or hurting you?

Greatest wealth is health

Healthy people maintain their environment in healthy way. .

Monday, October 12, 2015

Personal Space Healing

The environment that we live in can contribute to our success, health and  harmony.  Having a  healthy & balanced surrounding can brings abundance of success and  harmony.  Living in poor environment    could  be a reason for struggleful life.
Space healing is a  unique combination of ancient & modern energy alignment  techniques. These techniques are practiced  to make your body and mind more clear &  awaken. When energy around you are polluted, disease or disharmony strikes. 

You need a space healing. If you experience a :-

-Frequent sickness in the house
-Disobedient, rebellious & unmotivated  childrens
-Financial worries
-Misunderstanding and Quarrels between husband and wife or between siblings
-Obstacles & blockage in the Career
 -Feeling dull  & Lazy

Benefits of Space healing:-

-Invites healthy energy in your personal space
-Creates  personal relationship between you and your environment
-Removes negative influences from your surrounding
-It creates happy & prosperous atmosphere
-A great benefit is -you can identify  opportunities, capitalise on them and fulfil your true potential. 
-Feeling of comfortable, restful, rejuvenating and energizing environment
-Secured & protective environment

Space healing analytical tools
We use map / photo dowsing  & photo energy scan techniques for long distance space healing
We use dowsing rod, dowsing pendulums and photo energy scan for the physical space healing

Space healing techniques
Based on the analysis, we use different techniques for the space healing for home or offices.

Natural crystal
Element Painting
-Sound therapy
-Metal cure