
Fill your home with positive energy

Aling your house to feel more peace and tranquility.

Bring harmony in your relationship

Successful people nurture and improve their relationship through staying in vibrant environment.

Protect yourself from negative and toxic people

Remove blockage and create shield to protect yourself from sick energy people.

Improve performance and efficiency at work place

Check if your work space is helping you or hurting you?

Greatest wealth is health

Healthy people maintain their environment in healthy way. .

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Bring abundance in life with Premium Crystal Grid

Bring abundance in life with Premium Crystal Grid

Crystal grid for Happiness, Peace, Freedom, Love, Joy, Thankfulness & Friednship
Crystal grids are wonderful ritual to manifest your dreams. Crystal grid connects the energies of specific crystals with the heart healing stones to help utilize its full potentials. The crystal grid uses combined energy of healing power of stones and sacred geometry to create harmonious vibrations in your personal location.
Crystal quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifier on the planet.. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates the energy. As demonstrated by a kirlian camera,  a quartz crystal  doubles your bio magnetic field.

Multiple uses:-

Crystal grid helps in clearing negative thoughts from the mind.
It protects from the negative environment & negative people.
It enhances the personal energy.
Keep crystal grid near your bed or office desk to improve your capabilities to the maximum strength. 
Crystal grids are excellent for gifting purposes as receiver appreciates your gesture.

Abundance Crystal Grid contains:-

Blue Lace Agate tumbled stone- Cooling & calming energy
Lodolite tumbled stone
Prehnite tumbled stone-shield of divine energy
Fluorite tumbled stone-stone of abundance
Garnet tumbled stone-protective & regenerating stone
Quartz Crystal tumbled stone- Peace and prosperity
Tiger Eye tumbled stone-Courage & cofidence
( with canvas grid frame board)
Crystals are placed on sacred geometrical pattern on famed natural canvas cloth.

Three best crystal for Bed Room

Three Best Bed Room Crystals  

Harmonizing your personal environment is key element in healing your space. Using a crystal is can add   good flow of energy in your bed room. Crystal fosters positive and loving energy when placed in the specific corner in the bed room. It makes energy of room less stressful and more enjoyable. It also improves your sex life.

Three key crystals to improve the vibrations in your bed room


Rhodonite is a stone of unconditional love. This is one of the best crystal to attract love in the life. Many time it is recommended for emotional healing. It releases blocked energy from the heart chakra. It can cure troubled relationship in the love life. It also heals emotional shock and panic.

Keeping rhodonite close to your working desk or sleeping area brings loving vibrations and restful sleep.


Selenite is considered as a energy cleanser stone. It is popularly known as a “liquid light” .
Selenite is helpful in directing the feeling that emerge from the heart.           
When selenite is placed in the four corners of the bed room, it is believed to protect from negative external influences.


Garnet is a  super force stone and can be used to enhance sensuality, sexuality, and intimacy. It balances the sex drive and alleviates emotional disharmony. 
Garnet can be used  when you want to  "restart" or "reset your love life. Garnet is a powerfully energizing and regenerating healing stone. It revitalizes, purifies and balances energy, bringing serenity or passion as appropriate.

Harmonize your space, Get your space evaluated, get long distance consutlation CLICK HERE  for more information.

Monday, January 22, 2018



A "Master Healing Crystal". Amethyst's most noted healing quality is its ability to purify and transmute all forms of negativity. For children "in transition", whether it be a growth spurt, a major disappointment such as failing a grade, or even hearing the devastating news of divorce or death, Amethyst accepts all negative emotions and provides comfort through spiritual acceptance. For children with various disabilities or with either physical or emotional pain, an Amethyst cluster in the room will help clear unwanted discharged energies, bringing the room back into a balanced state. For local pain, hold an Amethyst directly on or over the area for up to 20 minutes.